Saturday, January 27, 2007

drunk and disorderly

australia day was a little bit exciting, i still have the fake tatoos to prove it.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

New house

My new house (pics shortly to follow) has so much outdoor space that I have finally entered a new phase of my life, one that has crept up on me like old age.


Gardening is great! Why did I not know this before? Why have I never shown any interest in other people’s hydrangeas or fuchsias previously?? Because they weren’t MINE, that’s why!!

I now proudly struggle to care for living things (apart from the Frase of course, but he’s v. low maintenance) that need my help to stay alive. They depend on me to water them and choose the right pots and spots, and if they don’t die, I’ll feel so grateful and rewarded.

Here is a brilliant Christmas pressie I got from my sister:

I plan to put a whole lot of herbs in it tomorrow. Went to Ceres
this morning with the Frase, my sis, Heidi and Ian to pick out some plants that will survive anything and we got some good bargains.

Ceres is a very cool place, we got some incredible organic veggies from the market, checked out the chooks and lambs, then went to the cafĂ© to eat fresh eggs and probably that lambs little brother. Yum yum. We’ve taken to not leaving the house without our green shopping bags and granny shopping trolley. Dee you’d be proud!

In case you are wondering, life has slowed down a bit since London (I know I know, I’ve started using granny trolleys and gardening!) but its still pretty good! Pics of our new house will come soon!